Evaluation the Distribution of Effective Factors on Habitat Diversity in Kermanshah Protected Areas

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Malayer, Hamedan, Iran

2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Destruction and habitat fragmentation are considered as the most challenging issues of biodiversity and establishment of protected areas is one of preventive methods to reduce biodiversity. Therefore, there are different criteria to choose it. Kermanshah province has covered different habitats due to its diverse ecologic condition. The current study aims to evaluate and compare the distribution of effective indices on habitat diversity in protected areas of Kermanshah province. In this regard, Surrogates such as altitude, slope, aspect, roughness  of altitude, Shortwave Infrared Water Stress Index (SIWSI), Compound Topographic Index (CTI), normalized different vegetation index (NDVI), vegetation type and Roughness of NDVI have been used as Biodiversity surrogates. Since the protected areas should be indicative samples of their surroundings, all the mentioned variables were prepared for Kermanshah province area and then all maps for slope and cover type were divided into 10 classes based on Jenks method. Shannon-Wiener (H), Simpson (D) and Macintosh (D) indices were used for diversity analysis, and Pielou (J') and Macintosh (E) indices were used for richness analysis. The results show that in terms of diversity indices for slope, CTI, altitude, NDVI, roughness  of altitude, Roughness of NDVI, SIWSI and slope ,Hashilan no hunting area, Ghalajeh protected area, Nava Koh no hunting area, Dalakhani and Amroleh no hunting area, Bistoon protected area and Bistoon Wildlife Refuge have the highest diversity indices, respectively. The slope and CTI variables share most similarity in terms of distribution of classes among the protected areas, and the vegetation type variable has had the least similarity among the protected areas. Among the hunting-banned and protected areas, the highest diversity exists in the Amroleh and Dalakhani and Bistoon protected area, respectively.The results of this study can be useful in choosing the correct complementary protected logic.
Extended Abstract
Since the 1960s, the rapid growth of habitat degradation and the resulting threats to biodiversity for different reasons have raised concerns for biodiversity survivors among environmentalists. Hence, the only way to protect natural and pristine habitats is to create protected areas. Substitutes are criteria used to investigate biodiversity and are considered as ecosystem characteristics. Surrogates are based on two general types of physical predictors including climate, soil, unit / system / land type and true Surrogates or biological.
The management of protected areas as a tool for the protection of fragile areas around the world is based on the assumption that these areas have values that require protection.
One of the important issues regarding the selection of protected areas and parks is how to construct such areas and prioritize them for protection; so that maximum diversity can be maintained in parallel with the integration of new areas into the network of protected areas. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the biodiversity of these areas to allow comparisons.
Quantification of physical and biological Surrogates in protected areas is one way to obtain information about these areas. If the mentioned alternatives are quantified by using GIS and remote sensing and then their spatial distribution is compared using diversity measurement indicators, the decision-making to compare and select these areas will be done more efficiently.
2-Materials and Methods
This study was conducted in Kermanshah province in which there are 11 areas under the management of the Environmental Protection Organization, including 6 hunting-banned areas (Gharaviz, Novakuh, Amroleh, Dalakhani, Hashilan and Zele Zard), 4 protected areas (Bisotun, Ghalajeh, Badr and paryshan and Bozin and marakhil) and 1 Bisotun wildlife refuge (Bisotun wildlife refuge). Applying previous studies, substitutes that represent habitat diversity were identified including height, slope, aspect, Compound Topographic Index, elevation roughness, soil moisture index (SIWSI), normalized different vegetation index (NDVI), vegetation density roughness and vegetation type.
All of these substitutes were classified into 10 classes using the reclassification command using the Jenks algorithm or natural break. In this algorithm, the pixels that are inside a group have the most similarity. The direction map was prepared in 9 classes and the vegetation type map was prepared in 24 different types. All data with 100×100 cell dimensions were prepared and analyzed. The boundaries of the areas were placed on the classified maps and then conducting by cutting. To calculate the diversity indices, two components of number and type are needed. In this study, the type was considered equal to the substitution classes of diversity and the number was considered equal to total pixels in each class.
Shannon-Wiener (H), Simpson (D) and Macintosh (D) indices were used in order to investigate diversity. The uniformity was also calculated using the Pielou (J) and Macintosh (E) indices. Diversity and richness indices were calculated in SDR-IV software
3-Results and Discussion
In this study, some Surrogates such as vegetation density and soil surface moisture were extracted and used from satellite images by relevant indicators, which shows the ability of this field to quantifying Surrogates; In addition, it can compensate for the lack of data from areas where vegetation and animal status information is not available. Therefore, the approach of this study is less challenged by the lack of field information. Based on the results of comparison of diversity indices, in the habitat index for Aspect, Hashilan hunting-banned area has the highest diversity so that the values of Shannon-Wiener, Simpson and Macintosh indices for this region were calculated as 2.09, 8.02 and 0.66, respectively.
The surface moisture index (SIWSI) for the Ghalajeh protected area with values of 1.97, 6.22 and 60, for the Shannon-Wiener index, Simpson and Macintosh were at its highest value. According to the results, the values of the mentioned indices for the altitude factor are the highest in Novakoh hunting-banned area and Bisotun wildlife refuge, respectively.
Variation Surrogates resulting from topographic parameters have more variety among protected areas which means there are significant changes in the topographic component among the areas. Using the approach of this study makes the proposed zones for joining the network of protected areas be identified easier which is based on identifying the differences and similarities that exist between the diversity Surrogates.
The use of GIS and remote sensing can act as a supporter to the decision and fill the information gap. Therefore, there is a correlation between the development of the mentioned sections and the efficiency of the approach used in this study, which can improve the method used in this study with the help of diversity indices.


Main Subjects

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