
Obtaining A rank in the evaluation of journals by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

Geography and environmental sustainability journal, based on the regulations of scientific publications approved on 22/03/2019, has been ranked A in the assessment of 2023.

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Holding the third meeting of the editorial board of the Journal of Geography and Environmental Sustainability

The third meeting of the editorial board of the Journal of Geography and Environmental Sustainability was held on Tuesday, 05/03/2024 at 8 pm online, chaired by Dr. Manuchehr Farajzadeh, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Geography and Sustainability, and attended by the members of the editorial board. In this meeting, Dr. Manuchehr Farajzadeh thanked the participants and explained the agenda of the meeting, stating the new policies of the magazine. Finally, after discussing and exchanging opinions ...

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Change of Editor of Geography and Environmental Sustainability

Informs all colleagues and researchers that according to the decision of the meeting of the Press Council of Razi University, which was held in December 2021, the editor of the journal Geography and Environmental Sustainability was changed and Dr. Manuchehr Farajzadeh, faculty member of Tarbiat Modares University as editor were chosen.

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Acceptance of the Journal of Geography and Environmental Sustainability in CABI database

Informs all colleagues and researchers that the Journal of Geography and Environmental Sustainability is indexed in CABI database

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