Monitoring the Landscape Changes Applying Gradient Analysis Case Study (County Behbehan)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Environmental Scieneces, University of Malayer, Hamedan, Iran


In order to evaluate the socioeconomic and ecological functions of a city, it is essential to quantify the pattern of the land. In this regard, the use of gradient analysis is also a very effective method. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to quantify the landform of Behbahan county using the combination of land metrics and gradient analysis. For this purpose, land use changes over a period of 14 years (2000-2014) were studied. Gradient analysis for two transects in the North South and East West were designed. Both the class and landscape metrics were calculated using a moving window. The results showed that during transects, in addition to land use changes, shape and density of the patches have changed and these changes are different in the two transects. Also, the results of the analysis in both transects in the class indicate that the patch density and edge density have increased towards the city center. The results of landscape metrics based on the items show that the distribution of land in 2014, distribution of agricultural and residential land, especially land, has more distribution levels; Behbehan is the county landscape. This reflects the development of urban and agricultural land and pasture land decreased in 2014 compared to 2000 is in the region. According to the trend of metrics, it can be said that the entire north-south transect of the east-west pattern is symmetrical.
Change of land use and land cover, the main problems are environmental changes at global to local (Lambin and Geist, 2006). Identifying, monitoring land cover change is a complex process (Sun and Zhou, 2016). In this context, the most important way to understand and determine land use and cover change analysis of landscape pattern is changed (Fan and Ding, 2016). The ability to dissect a landscape structure, landscape structure is a prerequisite for study and performance. Various metric are used  to achieve this goal in landscape ecology (Mcgarigal and Marks, 1995). Factors and landscape metrics on three levels are the entire expanse of the landscape, the level of user classes and measurable pieces (Simova and Gdulova, 2012). Cities, as a heterogeneous landscape, can be studied from the perspective of landscape ecology (Wu, 2004). The aim of this study was to quantify the spatial pattern of Behbahān with a gradient to understand how changing different types of users and metrics along transects surveyed appear.
2- Materials and Methods
 The studied region is between 50 degrees and 19 minutes longitude to 50 degrees and 25 minutes eastern, 30 degrees and 45 minutes latitude to north 30 degrees and 32 minutes in zone 39 that the highest altitude is 1380.93 meters and the lowest 267.14. The highest slope is 69.87 and the lowest slope 1%, the minimum annual temperature 18.1 c° and the maximum annual temperature 32.37 °c. The space of area is 615.6 square kilometers and regional climate is dry based on Domarten method. Three dimensional map of region is provided by Surfer11 software.In this study, the Landsat satellite images of the Behbahan county ETM+  for 2000 and 2014 OLI were used to map land use change. The images were classified in software IDRISI using the maximum likelihood algorithm, and AVI and MNF indices. Final land use plans were made in the six-class residential areas, agricultural land, water, forest, grassland and bare land preparation. Layer DEM, the mapping code numbers 60511 SEH. DGN, 60511 SWH. DGN, 60512 NWH. DGN, 60512 SEH. DGN, 60512 NEH. DGN, 60513 SEH. DGN, 60513 NEH. DGN and 60514 SEH. DGN Obtained with scale 1. 25000. The combination of metrics and gradient analysis were used to  quantify Behbehan landscape. For this purpose, land use changes over a period of 14 years (2000-2014) were studied. Gradient analysis for two transects in the North South and East West was designed. Both the class and landscape metrics were calculated using a moving window.
3- Results and Discussion
 The results showed that during transects, in addition to land use changes, shape and density of the patches have changed, too. These changes are different in the two transects. Also, the results of the analysis in both transects in the class indicate that the patch density and edge density has increased towards the city center. The results of landscape metrics based on the items show that the distribution of land in 2014, distribution of agricultural and residential land, especially land, has more distribution levels; Behbehan is the county landscape. This reflects the development of urban and agricultural land and pasture land decreased in 2014 compared to 2000 is in the region. This reflects the development of urban and agricultural land and pasture land decreased in 2014 compared to 2000 is in the region. According to the trend of metrics, it can be said that the entire north-south transect of the east-west pattern is symmetrical.
 In general, increased human activity in the city, resulting in increased Behbahān pieces of man-made (synthetic and semi-natural) that reduces the natural affinity between the treated area. The county of Behbahān tendency of fine grains (many spots in small sizes) and growth in the number of man-made stains in 2014 compared to 2000 confirm the results Mirzaee et al. (2013) and Dezhkam et al (2015) correspond. Landscape analysis in this study shows the effects of human activity on the landscape is changing and the results obtained from the information provided in accordance with policies related to land use. Therefore, the results obtained can be used in land evaluation, planning and integrated management in the study area and environmental studies for the exploitation of natural resources and decrease appropriate and reasonable use of resources.


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