The Assessment of Spatial Distribution of Industrial Development Components: Case Study: Chaharmahal Bakhtiari Province

Document Type : Research Paper



Analyzing and comparing the level of Facilities enjoyment and identifying inequalities and imbalances within different geographical districts , leading to find the weaknesses and the appropriate policy to solve them, are of great importance, especially in order to identify different regions in terms of development. In this regard, industrial ranking, which has been done by Management and Planning Organization and Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade for years, is considered as a way to study changes in industrial development of country provinces. Using multi-criteria decision-making (TOPSIS and SAW), the current study aims to analyze and examine the development of industries in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. This research is a kind of descriptive-analytic one approaching applied study. The data of Statistical Yearbook of 1392(solar year)   were used in the research. Statistical software of EXCEL was utilized to analyze the data. TOPSIS results indicate that Shahrekord Parish with score of (1), is recognized as the most developed area. In terms of industrial index and Bon with a score of (0.00), it is identified as the poorest area Province. SAW Results show that Shahrekord with (0.679) points, is the most developed city, and Bon with score of (0.00) is the most deprived city in the Province. Therefore, reviewing development plans of the province is required in the future.
Extended Abstract
The word development literally means expansion and improvement. Although, development has quantitative dimensions and in some cases may be considered synonymous with the word growth, it mainly has qualitative dimensions. Paying attention to industrial development and infrastructure is considered necessary in order to increase production and export. Besides, we need to make logical and consistent policies with real possibilities of different areas of the country. These policies, reinforcing the infrastructure in this sector, can lead to current state of industry as the manufacturer of alternative goods for the imports turn to export sector. Deep studies are required to identify relative advantages of industrial activities in different areas to direct the investments for their expansion.
2- Materials and Methods
This is a kind of applied research which methodologically is descriptive - analytical. The data for this study were obtained through documentary and library studies. The population of the study included 9 cities of ChaharMahal and Bakhtiari in 1392(solar year) according to the last administrative political division. 13 indicators were used to evaluate the cities in terms of industrial development. Data analysis was performed using TOPSIS and SAW techniques and Excel software also entropy Shannon method has been utilized for Scoring.
In this study, ranking is based on the rank-mean method. In fact, this method calculates the mean of the obtained ranks with the techniques used in the study. Then the figures are ordered from the highest to the lowest quantity.  Pearson coefficient of skewness is used to consider the distribution of the industrial infrastructure in Chaharmahal Bakhtiari. The values are between 0, +3 or 0, -3 in which 0 means complete  symmetric distribution while +3 or -3 shows complete asymmetry.
3- Results and Discussion
Ranking shows that the indicators studied in the cities of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province are unequal in terms of spatial and industrial indices.  According to the scores Shahrekord (0.921), Borujen (0.594), Lordegan (0.314) Koohrang (0.036), Saman (0.022), Bonn (0.000), are located in the first three ranks respectively. Thus, according to Topsis rating of SAW, Shahrekord and Bon, are the most developed and the poorest cities in terms of industry in the Province respectively. Thus, according to raking, Shahrekord and Bon, are the most developed and the poorest cities, respectively in terms of industrial development
The results of Pearson model indicates that the distribution of industrial infrastructure in Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province is asymmetric with Negative skewness. Since it is possible to use more than one decision making process in a multi- valued decision making process, the results of the method is not always the same. In this study to  merge the results of Saw and Topsis methods we used the ranks mean method. Based on this method, Shahre Kord, Broojen and Lordegan towns are the first three ranking areas respectively and Koohrang, Ben and Salmas towns are the next in industrial infrastructure ranking line. Calculation of the development  coefficient indicates that Shahre Kord city  is far more developed than the underdeveloped Ben and the inequality between these towns are in a great extent.
4- Conclusion
To achieve equal industrial development, this study has tried to figure out the distribution of industrial indexes among the cities and their respective ranks. Calculations show a big gap and inequality among the cities of ChaharMahal and Bakhtiari which has been resulted from Comprehensive Approach toward industrial development in the region. This has led to imbalanced development in some areas. The results of both techniques reveal that Shahrekord has the first rank and Bonn is in the last place. However, establishment and installation of Mother Industrial factories, as well as Roads in some areas of the province, have played an important role in the   development of the cities of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari. Besides, to decrease these differences, the city authorities can focus their efforts on the indexes that have the less rank so that they may get the load of underdevelopment from these areas.


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