Studying and Analyzing Social Sustainability Status in Amol city

Document Type : Research Paper



Social Sustainability is one of the important dimension of sustainable urban development that rely on quality concept to achieve fresh, dynamic and pervasive urban space. Social Stability introduces an approach leading to identify and modify wide aspect of current citizen life challenges. The present study mainly aims at examining the social sustainability status and related component in Amol. The method of research is a descriptive – survey one. The population of the sample is 430 families. The findings show that the whole social sustainability of Amol city is in a satisfactory level. From all 9 component, “the quality of the environment” and “social participation” have undesirable status that should be consider more than other components. The mean of the components reveal the difference of the values with a desirable average. Besides, the findings of path analysis Show that Cooperation component and confident component have the most effect on promotion and improvement of social Sustainability of Amol.


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