Analysis of the Environmental Impacts of Organic Agricultural Products Acceptance in Tabriz County

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Science, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.


Today, humans have entered an era in which the way of production and their impact on the earth's planet and human health are of great importance. Environmental damages, in addition to reducing agricultural and non-agricultural activities, will also endanger human health. Considering the importance of preserving the environment and human health, the research aimed to analyze the environmental effects of adopting organic agricultural products among producers and consumers of these products in Tabriz County. The research population consists of the producers and consumers of organic farm products. The community of producers is 28 persons who were studied in total. In the consumer community, the sample size was estimated to be 384 persons (for better results, 391 questionnaires were completed). To analyze, Structural Equation Modeling in SMART PLS software and one-sample T-tests and Friedman Tests were used. The results of the initial evaluation indicate the appropriateness of the model. The results of the structural model, indicate the existence of a significant structural relationship between structural improvement and soil fertility, reducing water pollution and waste, improving air quality and reducing pollution, strengthening agricultural and biological diversity, controlling and replacing chemical fertilizers and pesticides with organic and biological fertilizers, and environmental knowledge. Based on the results, organic agriculture with methods such as using plant residues as green manure, soil conservation, reducing pollution, etc., has led to an increase in soil fertility and its non-erosion, and by producing agricultural products with high quantity and quality, harming the environment was reduced.
Extended Abstract
Organic agriculture provides this possibility by creating a favorable and optimal relationship between agriculture and the environment. In addition to biological products, reduces environmental problems. This approach has the potential capacity to reduce environmental problems caused by the indiscriminate use of chemical substances. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to examine environmental characteristics in different indicators and reagents. We need to ascertain the impact of each factor on the adoption of organic agricultural products by both producers and consumers. Therefore, it is important to investigate and recognize the environmental factors affecting the acceptance of organic agricultural products, which can be effective in setting disease control programs and increasing efficiency. On the other hand, this issue in the field of product production can cause many material losses due to ignoring the importance and role of demand for organic products at different levels of production. If these factors are effective, the field of environmental protection and spending money for these products is provided among different strata. Based on this and considering the importance of the environmental aspect of organic agricultural product acceptance, the present research aims to investigate the environmental factors affecting the acceptance of organic farm products among the producers and consumers of Tabriz County. In this context, the research question is based on this to what extent do environmental factors affect the acceptance of organic agricultural products among producers and consumers?
 2-Materials and Methods
The current research is applied in terms of purpose and based on a descriptive-analytical nature. The statistical population includes two groups of producers and consumers of organic agricultural products. To examine the opinions of two groups of producers and consumers and to determine the influencing factors on the acceptance of organic farm products, two methods of library and field studies were used. Based on the review of the research literature, in the present study, 55 reagents were used for evaluation in the form of three or six indicators. The community of producers in the county is 28 people. Therefore, due to their limited number, the whole number was used. In the consumer community, due to the lack of clarity of the statistical population, Cochran's formula was used for unknown communities. Based on this, the sample size was estimated to be 384 people. But to achieve better results and also the possibility of some questionnaires remaining unanswered, the sample size was increased to 400 people. After that, by referring to four organic product stores in Tabriz County, questionnaires were completed. Finally, 391 questionnaires were completed and became the basis of the test. In the present study, structural equations (smart PLS) were used to analyze the consumers' points of view. Also, Friedman and one-sample t-tests were used in the analysis of producers' views using SPSS 26 software. 
3- Results and Discussion
The research findings show that the indicators of the environmental dimension have a factor load higher than 0.5. Therefore, the factor loading of all reagents is significant with a confidence level of 0.99. On the other hand, the reported t-value was evaluated as more than 1.96. Also, the results show the predictor correlation index, which is used to check the power of the model in forecasting, has three values of 0.02, 00.15, and 0.35, which have weak, medium, and strong levels. Based on what was mentioned in the findings section, the predictive index of environmental factors is more than the average value of 0.15 and tends towards a strong value, and the average value of the indicators of this dimension was estimated at 0.250. The results obtained from the opinions of 28 farmers producing healthy and organic products show that the value of t in five indicators is above the average. In terms of improving soil structure and fertility, it was estimated to be 3.612, air pollution improvement and reduction index 3.330, agricultural and biological diversity 3.091, environmental knowledge 3.274, for the reduction index of pollution and water loss. But in the index of control and organic and biological fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers and poisons, the average was estimated at 2.907, which is lower than the average. The results of Friedman's test showed that the index of structural improvement and soil fertility had the highest importance with a value of 5.11.
4- Conclusion
The results show that environmental protection, at all levels, is a key element in organic farming. At the genetic level, conventional and improved breeds and seeds are selected for their resistance to severe climate changes and pathogenic pests. At the species level, different groups of plants and animals are involved in nutrient and energy cycling. At the ecosystem level, the lack of chemical inputs protects various plants and animals in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, including humans. Soil biodiversity is protected by crop rotation. Many studies confirm that organic agriculture protects the environment and biodiversity. The results show that special innovative policies have been established to improve the performance of healthy and organic agriculture in the study area. Since the main concern in this field is environmental damage, the focus has been on the strategy of reducing chemical inputs. It can be said that organic agriculture has beneficial effects in terms of the environment and other factors. However, this issue requires foundation, legal and credit support, etc., and coordinated actions by the government. Because without proper support, more dynamic options will remain at the local level.


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