Factors Affecting Sustainable Land Management Practices by Rural Households in Sib and Souran Area

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Planning, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran.


Sustainable land management is considered a sustainable way to combat the threat of various forms of land destruction and erosion. However, there is little information on the factors affecting the household's decision to implement sustainable land management practices. In the present study, the factors affecting the implementation of sustainable land management practices by rural households applied in Sib and Souran county have been analyzed. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of the research is the Rural Households of the Sib and Soran area, which was selected by 230 sample formulas by random sampling method. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data and information. Descriptive statistics were used to identify sustainable management practices. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to identify the factors affecting the implementation of sustainable land management practices by rural households. The results of the methods used showed that in this area more basic and simple methods do not require much cost and capital. Using animal/ animal fertilizer, use of organic and green fertilizers, plowing the land for the slope of the land, creating an empty and rocky dam at the top of the land, and creating earthy seals and the most important sustainable management methods in the Sib and Souran area. The results of the structural equation model factors affecting the implementation of sustainable land management methods by rural households also showed that the properties of agricultural farms with a coefficient of 0.79 had the most impact on the implementation of sustainable land management practices in the Sib and Soran area. The factor of Agricultural Ecology Properties with an Impact Coincision of 0.73, Organizational Support and Infrastructure Factor with an Impact Coincision of 0.69, Household Properties of 0.68, and Social and Economic Properties Factor with an Impact of 0.65, are subsequent.
Extended Abstract
The study area of the present study is Sib and Souran county in Sistan and Baluchestan province. In the county of Sib and Souran, the income and livelihood of many rural households is dependent on land. Due to the drought and lack of water in the area, the lack of sufficient nutrient supply, and the reduction of soil organic matter, causes soil erosion, which can affect the quality of agriculture and consequently affect the income of farmers. As a result, the use of sustainable land management practices can reduce soil erosion and thus increase the efficiency of agricultural products, which is essential for rural development in this area. One of the necessities for the use of sustainable land management is to identify the factors affecting the implementation of sustainable land management practices. To increase sustainable agricultural productivity, a good understanding of the causes and factors affecting the implementation of sustainable land management methods from the first and most important forecasts to use sustainable land management practices and beneficiaries is resources. Therefore, in the present study, the present study examines the factors affecting the implementation of sustainable land management practices by rural households in the Sib and Souran area.
2-Materials and Methods
The present study has been part of applied research. In terms of collection/ collection of research information and data, research is a type of research and research. In terms of research methods, it also includes descriptive-analytical methods. The theoretical foundations and literature of the research have been developed and presented through the study of the library. The data collection and field data collection tool has also been a freelance researcher and interview. The statistical population of this study has been farmers in the area and city of Sib and Soran in Sistan and Baluchestan province. To specify the research samples, a simple random sampling method was selected using the Cochran formula. Accordingly, 230 samples were selected. Descriptive statistics and structural equation models (SEM) and Amos graphics software were used to analyze information and investigate sustainable land management practices. The validity of the questionnaire is measured using content validity. Cronbach's alpha test was also used to evaluate the reliability of the measurement tool.
3- Results and Discussion
The results of the factors affecting the implementation of sustainable land management methods showed that all 5 factors can have an impact on the implementation of sustainable land management as a hidden factor. In the meantime, the agent of farms and properties of agricultural fields and land with a factor load of 0.79 has had the most impact on the implementation of sustainable land management practices. Characteristics of Agricultural Land Ecology with a Factor and Coincision of 0.73, Organizational Support and Infrastructure with a Factor Coefficient and Coefficient of 0.69, Factor Household Characteristics and Coefficient of 0.68, Social and Economic Characteristics The factor load and the coefficient of 0.65 are subsequent. Standard estimates of the factors affecting the implementation of sustainable land management methods showed that the properties of agricultural farms and the direct impact of 0.79 had the most impact on the implementation of sustainable land management practices in the county of Sib and Souran. The results of indirect effects and non-standard estimates Model Factors Affecting Sustainable Land Management methods showed that out of 25 micro-variables (index), most indirect effects related to variables such as experience and native farmers' knowledge, number of family/ family workforce, Type of ownership, credit and banking access, soil fertility and land slope, cash money; Capital and farmers' income and costs have been the implementation of management practices.
4- Conclusion
The results of the methods used showed that in this area more basic and simple methods do not require much cost and capital. Using animal/ animal fertilizer, use of organic and green fertilizers, plowing the land for the slope of the land, creating an empty and rocky dam at the top of the land, and creating earthy seals and the most important sustainable management methods applied in the Sib and Souran county. The results of the structural equations model also showed that the factors of agricultural farms had the most impact on the implementation of sustainable land management practices in the Sib and Souran area. The factor of agricultural ecology properties, the cause of organizational support and infrastructure, the factor of household characteristics, and the factor of social and economic characteristics have been subsequent.


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