The Role of Sericulture in Improving the Sustainable Livelihood of Rural Households in Ramyan County

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran.

2 Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The activity of Sericulture and its ability to develop this industry, its roots in Persian culture and civilization, and the need to maintain and continue it by relying on the development of new silkworm breeding techniques to improve the living conditions of rural residents are of great importance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of Sericulture activities on improving the sustainable livelihoods of rural households in Ramyan County. The data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire that has been validated by experts and professors. 103 households involved in Ramyan Sericulture activity make up this study's statistical population. To determine the reliability of the research variables, Cronbach's alpha coefficients in the range of 0.7 to 0.83 were determined. The data were analyzed using the sum of the mean scores, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation, Friedman statistical tests, and Chi-square and Spearman correlation coefficients with SPSS software. The map was generated using ArcGIS software. At 99% confidence level, Sericulture activities improve the sustainable livelihood capital of rural households, and employment in Sericulture businesses has significant effects on economic, social, physical, human, and natural capital. The share of human capital with an average rating of 3.17 is higher than that of other capitals. In addition, the change in subsistence capital ranges from 3.10 to 3.17, with an average of 3.13. In light of this, it can be concluded that the development of Sericulture activity is dependent on the changes that occur in subsistence capital. Sericulture is a combination of agriculture, animal husbandry and textile industry. In order for the sericulture industry to be successful, the stakeholders of the silk value chain must have access to experienced and skilled manpower. The development and expansion of nomadic activity can be said to improve the sustainable livelihood of rural families and the sustainability of the population in rural areas by creating rural employment, particularly for women, enhancing rural green spaces and supporting the environment.
Extended Abstract
The activity of Sericulture and its ability to develop this industry, its roots in Persian culture and civilization, as well as the need to maintain and continue it by relying on the development of new silkworm breeding techniques to improve the living conditions of rural residents are of great importance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of Sericulture activities on improving the sustainable livelihoods of rural households in Ramyan County.
2-Materials and Methods
The research is applied both in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical method, which uses documentary data and field data. The researcher developed a questionnaire after identifying the explanatory items of subsistence capital. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed in the first step with the help of 20 professors from Golestan universities and specialists in business administration, government, marketing, economics, and rural development, and its reliability was determined with Cronbach's alpha. A Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.83 was obtained for subsistence capital (economic 0.83, social 0.81, physical 0.72, human 0.78, and natural 0.70). 103 breeding industry activists completed the questionnaires after the research process. The samples were selected based on the size of the sample population as a whole. To analyze the data, the sum of mean scores, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Friedman statistical tests, one-way Chi-square and Spearman correlation coefficients were applied in SPSS software to examine the effect of variables and determine correlations among variables.
3- Results and Discussion
In terms of the variables studied, improving household nutrition, empowering women, increasing family cohesion, upgrading environmental attractions, and establishing educational workshops were the highest mean values. According to the survey, the lowest mean was attributable to the poor relationship with government institutions and universities, low savings, dissatisfaction with the medical and educational system of the village, and low satisfaction with the housing system. The highest averages are found in the experience of people engaged in sericulture businesses, their degree of adaptation to the potentials of the region, the implementation of educational and informational programs, and market demand for these activities. More efforts should be put into promoting this activity due to the potential of the region, including a suitable climate and abundant mulberry trees, and the experience of rural activists, especially women, as well as its adaptation to the conditions of the region and high demand for its products. There are a number of challenges in this profession, including the lack of consultants in the field of sericulture business, the lack of intangible and tangible incentives, the unfavorable state of product packaging, and a lack of modern infrastructure in the area. In this regard, activists need to have greater access to consultants who are knowledgeable in the field of sericulture. The presence of professional consultants is extremely important in the value chain of this product with material and immaterial incentives from the responsible institutions, it made great strides towards the prosperity of this profession. It is important to motivate the proper package of products in this business, and its supply in international markets has generated a lot of motivation. This prepared the ground for the use of international consultants to market this profession's products boosting communication and sending infrastructure, on the other hand, should enable these products to be advertised more easily. With the support of the public and private sectors and with the cooperation of the research sectors of universities, the development of innovation can compete with other nations Consequently, in this regard, one can say that the country's economy faces a special situation such as the reduction of the role of the government in economic affairs, high growth of the private sector, and the unjustified sanctions against Iran, particularly in its economic dimension, which has caused high inflation By reducing inflation and restoring reasonable growth, the agricultural sector, and especially the sericulture industry, are able to supply raw materials, manpower, and capital to other sectors. As a by-product and complementary to the main agricultural occupations in each area, the production of silk products in the country, by providing economic incentives and using part of the rural labor force, provide a relatively suitable source of income for rural households throughout the year. It is expected that in the short term, along with the development of technology and industrialization of this activity and its proper expansion in accordance with the climatic conditions of different regions, it will be possible to exploit it and gain more benefits as a means of reducing the effects of sanctions and meeting the country's foreign exchange needs. As a tool for alleviating poverty, silk is considered effective. Comparing similar rural occupations, agriculture has the highest labor force participation rate. All members of the family have job opportunities in industry, especially women and the elderly. Family benefit from family work being turned into income due to its unique nature; thus, this job can provide a significant income to families, helping several poor families in rural areas.
4- Conclusion
At 99% confidence level, Sericulture activities improve the sustainable livelihood capital of rural households, and employment in Sericulture businesses has significant effects on economic, social, physical, human, and natural capital. Sericulture is a combination of agriculture, animal husbandry and textile industry. In order for the sericulture industry to be successful, the stakeholders of the silk value chain must have access to experienced and skilled manpower. Developing and expanding the Sericulture industry will improve sustainable livelihoods of rural households and increase persistence for the rural population in rural areas by strengthening the value chain of the product, as well as creating rural employment, particularly for women, in developing rural green spaces.


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