Goodurban system and hencethe good distribution of urbansize is a factor for any kind of development in theregion andthe country. This distribution has been measured using mathematical and statistical models. Urban system is spatial visualization of political economy and land management. Thestudyof urbansystems determinesthe distribution andbalance ofpopulation in thecities.According to the importance of urban system, this paper examines the urban system in part of the Iranian territory. Accordingly, Markazi province is selected as one of the ancient civilization in Iran. The temporal scope of the study includes a 30-year period (1976-2006). This paper use descriptive - analytical research method and libraries and documentation have been used for the data collection. Techniques such as Herfindahl indices, Henderson, and entropy are used to analyze the urban system in the Markazi province. The paper results showspatialimbalancesare evidentinMarkaziprovince.Urbangrowth anddevelopment ismorespecific toArak and Saveh _the major citiesandindustrialcentersof theprovince_ from among27 urban pointsintheprovince. Despitethe increasing number ofsmallcities, the population proportion of the small cities has declined compared to big cities, inrecent years. This is the situation that the declined population in small cities causes imbalances in urban system. Also prime city has declined during this period. The reduction of small cities don't cause balance in urban system. As part of reasons for the absence of the effect, we can mantion the attraction of small cities emigrants to surrounding urban areas of Arak _ Senejan and Karahroud. The rank and statusof thesecitieshas grown rapidly, for this reason. In fact, Primacy indices decline in demographics Statistics but population pressure and density has been increased in the surroundings of the prime city.
Sayyafzadeh, A., Mireh, M., & Nodeh Farahani, M. (2012). A Study on the Changes of Urban System Pattern in Markazi Province. Geography and Environmental Sustainability, 2(3), 17-38.
Alireza Sayyafzadeh; Mohammad Mireh; Morteza Nodeh Farahani. "A Study on the Changes of Urban System Pattern in Markazi Province". Geography and Environmental Sustainability, 2, 3, 2012, 17-38.
Sayyafzadeh, A., Mireh, M., Nodeh Farahani, M. (2012). 'A Study on the Changes of Urban System Pattern in Markazi Province', Geography and Environmental Sustainability, 2(3), pp. 17-38.
Sayyafzadeh, A., Mireh, M., Nodeh Farahani, M. A Study on the Changes of Urban System Pattern in Markazi Province. Geography and Environmental Sustainability, 2012; 2(3): 17-38.