Positioning the Appropriate Areas in Order to Build the Artificial Urban Ponds Using the Combining Method of Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Logic (Case Study of the North West of Tehran Metropolis)

Document Type : Research Paper



In the present century in which the water crisis is threatening most of the countries, introducing a technology coincident with the approach of reducing the waste and improving quality of water is an influential step to decrease the crisis rate resulted from drought. In this regard, during the last few decades, some pond-formed systems have been designed and built being used for keeping water, recycling water, and creating green space around the cities, industrial and agricultural regions. The built ponds around the world are presently used for improving water quality encountering the removable and irremovable pollutants including the streaming water, floods, domestic and agricultural sewerages, the sewage of the coal mines and developing the ecological perspectives. So the efficiency of these systems in developing water quality and protecting it has led to a rapid increase in their number throughout the world. The present paper aims at positioning the proper areas for constructing sophisticated ponds in the northwest of Tehran (2,5,9,10,17,18,21 and 22 urban area) through combining AHP and fuzzy logic methods and Expert choice software. therefore, After giving digits of data in the geographic information system, different plan layers including height, slop, average annual temperature, lithology, distance from drainage network ,city , roads ,and the depth of ground water were produced. Then, evaluation and location of the proper and improper areas for making artificial ponds was done. The findings show that about 18 percent of the northern and northwestern area has a low potential while 34 percent of the southern and southeastern region have a high potential for constructing artificial ponds.


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